Welcome To NanoDatabank

a central repository for nanomaterials information and data

NanoDatabank is a repository of engineered nanomaterial (ENM) properties, simulation and experimental datasets of ENM fate and transport (F&T) and toxicological behaviors. Login as a guest, lab administrator or system administrator. NanoDatabank contains a number of databases that include:

- Physiocochemical properties
- Toxicological properties
- Experimental datasets of ENM toxicity
- Experimental datasets of ENM fate and transport behavior
- Results of simulation predictions and estimation of ENM toxicity and F&T behavior, and properties


Minimum Information

All nanomaterials submitted for registration are validated for required parameters in order to determine the uniqueness of the nanomaterial. Incomplete submissions are still accepted into the registry and tagged with a status of "under review". This requirement for a minimum set of information allows the ability for proper identification of nanomaterials and more accurate association to accompanying data and files.

Similarity Checks and Nanomaterial Comparisons

The NanoDatabank has established an algorithm for comparing new nanomaterials submitted to existing nanomaterials based on the required properties. Users submitted a new nanomaterial for registration and given a summary on which nanomaterials in the database are similiar to the one they are submitting. Similarity score is shown in a percentile basis with 100% indicating an exact match.

Linkages to Characterizations and Data Files

When new records or files are being shared to the NanoDatabank, users have the option to link the information to existing nanomaterials, characterizations or publications that are available in the system. These stored relationships between data files and records allow the system to be more organized and searchable for related information.

Advanced Search

Nanomaterials and characterizations in the system can be searched using a variety of properties. This includes the more common variables as well as fields that are only applicable to certain particles.


The NanoDatabank was initially developed at CEIN in 2008 to allow personnel, researchers and external collaborators to access and share research and publication documents regarding nanomaterials. In 2014, it was upgraded to serve as a central repository for a wider set of nanomaterial information including particle registration, characterizations, raw and processed data, publications, presentations and other documents. In addition, the NanoDatabank is made available for use to researchers outside the CEIN organization with certain datasets available for restricted access.

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